null Brief description of the school system in Holland

(author - Alexandra Zhernakova, if you have any questions, write to

In Holland, schools are divided into junior (basisschool) and secondary (middelbareschool). Children from 4 to 12 years old study in elementary schools. The first two years (ages 4-5) the school is more like a kindergarten, children sculpt, draw and play together. Most schools teaching reading and writing begins with the third grade (6 years). Junior schools are almost always located in a separate building, not in the same place as high schools.
If a child comes from another country at the age of 4-5 years, he is quite often taken to a regular Dutch school. From the age of six, children usually go to a special language school for a few months or a year, where they learn the language almost all the time, and a few other subjects. After that, the children go to regular schools. There are exceptions - the school may decide to take the child immediately to the regular class by agreement.

According to Google, there are 44 elementary schools in Hilversum ( Most of them are public, but there are also Catholic, Protestant, Montessori, Jena Plan and others.

High schools are divided into several levels, depending on the recommendation from the junior school, and the results of the tests that the child takes at 11 years old. Globally, in the Netherlands there are three levels of education in high school: 1. Gymnasium / athenaeum (VWO), in which they study for 6 years (ages 12-18), after which you can go to university. 2. HAVO, in which they study for 5 years (age 12-17), after which they can enter technical schools and institutes. 3. VMBO, where students study for 4 years (ages 12-16), is a more basic education, after which you can go to vocational schools.

Almost all junior and secondary schools in Holland are free of charge, except for a small fee for excursions and incidental expenses. Several junior schools in Hilversum have a supplement for additional subjects.

In general, the level of education in elementary school is usually less serious than at the same age in Ukraine, but starting from secondary school, on the contrary, there is an intensive program in different languages, sciences, and so on. Accordingly, it seems to me much easier to join the junior school than the middle school.

In addition to the Dutch schools, there is also an international school in Hilversum where teaching is in English. This school is usually attended by children of expats who are not going to stay in Holland (for example, they came to work for a year or two), or have studied before in English. Unlike Dutch schools, education in an international school is paid and quite expensive.

I see the advantages in sending children, especially the younger ones, to a Dutch school - where they can communicate with their peers, gain new experience, and learn the Dutch language. However, given the difference in school curricula, most likely, children will fall behind the current school curriculum, even if they go to a class by age, this is due to a significant difference in programs, textbooks and methods.

Here is a little more detail about schools in Holland - Update on schools for March 30:

Junior schools (4-12 years old) - no centralized solution yet. The mayor's office is negotiating with the school for new arrivals (, who are trying to organize additional classrooms. As soon as there is new information, we will update.

Secondary schools (12+ years) - the school in Laren is recruiting everyone in new classes. Classes will be created for Ukrainian children, teaching is mainly aimed at Dutch and English language.
To enroll, you need to fill out a questionnaire and send it to the school with a copy of the child's passport and registration documents at the mayor's office. We posted the questionnaire and relevant information in the telegram chat (

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