Lightning Action

28 bikes for children to go to school

Imagine you have to flee your country because of war. It also happened to nearly 500 Ukrainians who were taken care of in Hilversum, including 28 children of secondary school age. In order to be able to go to school, they have to cycle 11 kilometers each day and then 11 kilometers back starting Monday 23 May . How great would it be if we could work together to ensure that they arrive at school safely and happily? There is now a program with volunteers to give these children cycling lessons from next Saturday (both practical and theory) and they will at least be guided on the route for the first time. The only thing we miss are good bikes for this group of young people. We have not yet succeeded in obtaining the bicycles through sponsoring and the bicycle depot, so we are appealing to all Hilversummers in this 'lightning campaign'. So do you still have a good bike? Which is suitable for children between the ages of 12 and 18? And are you willing to donate it? Indicate in the comments below that you have a bicycle and when you can bring it. Delivery is possible during working hours at the Service Desk at Heuvellaan 50.

null Boy bike, 16 inches.

Boy bike, 16 inches.




We're looking for a 16-inch boys bike so a boy can ride to school from May 28.

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Service desk op de Heuvellaan 50 tijdens kantoortijd




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Involved Hilversummers

Realize together. These Hilversummers are involved in actually realizing the idea through a joint ambition and a concept plan.

Liliane Hoeven


Sasha Zhernakova


Liliane Hoeven
